UFA (Utah Fits All) is now closed but will re-open for 2025-2026. The UFA Scholarship will be $8,000 per student for educational purposes. (HOLY MOLY!!!)
This Scholarship is based on income, however this is a new bill in Utah and they now have 10,000 scholarships available through this bill. The more people that apply, the more it shows the State that there is an interest in this type of funding/education. So that is the hope for Utah in the future. We HIGHLY encourage every family to take a moment to apply and help show the State of Utah that we are interested in this type of funding. And we are very hopeful and optimistic that some of the Seed School families will receive it!
You can get on their mailing list here: https://ufascholarship.com/?lang=en
Please look over this website and learn more about this amazing scholarship opportunity!
In addition to the UFA Scholarship, there is always MyTechHigh or Harmony that is available to help with funding. Applications for Fall are now available. *Please note: MyTechHigh or Harmony cannot be paired with the UFA Scholarships. They work as either/or. Also, MyTechHigh and Harmony cannot be paired either. These programs help pay for $2,000 of tuition. The Seed School is a registered 3rd Party Vendor for both of these programs.
For more information please don't hesitate to reach out to us!